thomas "skyw4lker" lang

Deggendorf, Niederbayern, Bayern, Deutschland

software engineer with passion |

engineering solid software since 1995 | th0m4s.l4n6[at sign]gmail[dot]com

About me


A short introduction about myself and the things i did/i´m doing in IT back in the days and now ...

Since round about twenty years i´m into software engineering right at the moment. Back then in the days of 1995 whilst gainig my education as Datenverarbeitungskaufmann i did a lot of coding in Cobol.

We used Sinix and Windows NT. The next thing i had to deal with a lot was awk.

Our storage/persistence systems were Informix databases.

Up to these days now i´ve seen a lot of trends/patterns/rules come and go as far as software engineering is concerned.

The first pattern i´ve learned back in the cobol days was the so called EVA-Prinzip

Ever since i´m coding my mantra was/is/and will be building robust and solid software. Building robust and solid handcraft (software is surely a piece of handcraft) takes time and accuracy.

Lots of people arguing that customers won´t pay you for building robust and accurate handcraft. They are paying you for results. Well this is not my thinking of handcraft. You get exactly what you´ve been asking for. If you want fast results and stuff just working, then this is exactly what you´ll get. If you ever had to deal with Spaghetticode you know what efforts it takes to maintain or extend such code basis. I´ve often come to a point where i coded projects from the ground up, because nobody could ever understand the existing code basis, made by people who you don´t know either. And at that point things will get more expensive than to take care in advance.

Nobody would demand a new house being planed and built up completely in one day, wouldn´t they?

My programs are made to run forever! Maybe my old cobol exes still run somewhere? Who knows?


Wise words about eduction in general ...

These are my stations and graduations in life. The older i get the more i think of graduations as a useless piece of paper with a degree written on it. Knowledge comes from experience and trying things out. Call me a practioner not a theorist. I´ve experienced that a lot of people fortunatly look more at what you´ve done or achieved than what graduates you have.
But nowadays the next generation is taught (mostly in school and univeristy - i know that because i work at an university and talk to a lot of students) to be self-promoting which in my opinion is the absolute wrong way of teaching them. our education system is all about getting graduations, doing a lot of (unpaid) internships abroad, learning stuff one will never need. Then they are unleashed to the world, realising that the real struggling starts in the first place.
When i left university i quickly realized that 95% of what i had to learn (check out the phrase - had to learn) was absolutely impractical. But hey - at least i got a fancy academic title.
So what i´m trying to say is ...
Follow your heart and believe in yourself!
Don´t let people tell you what to do!
Use your brain!


Master of Engineering
Technische Hochschule Deggendorf

 2010 - 2012

Diplom Wirtschaftsinformatiker (FH)
Technische Hochschule Deggendorf

 2003 - 2007


Software Engineer
Technische Hochschule Deggendorf

We´re developping web application for the universities´ adminstration. our stack is java 8, boot, hibernate 5, bootstrap, jquery and postgresql

 2014 - current

Software / Systems Engineer
Technische Hochschule Deggendorf

We were maintining servers, doing software engineering occasionally and teaching students. i realized that doing other stuff than software engineering was not satisfying for me. so i decided to switch my focus back on my passion.

 2009 - 2014

Software Engineer

We were developping software for small up to large timber structure businesses. our stack was c# 4.0, windows forms,, and ms sql server 2008. i enjoyed that time a lot although i realized quickly that i canot evolve the way i wanted.

 2007 - 2009

Software / Systems Engineer
Häring Service Company

We were maintining servers, doing software engineering occasionally. This years were my first years in IT - and i liked these a lot until my alternative service knocked at my door.

 1995 - 2000


From great knowledge comes solid handcraft ...

Below you can find what i call my treasure of experience when it comes to software engineering. My main focus lies on web development. But i´m also well experienced in desktop applications. Although i personally think that someday all you need is a browser.









ASP (Core) MVC

Spring Boot

Entity Framework (Core)


Windows Forms

Windows Presentation Foundation




Dependency Injection


Domain Driven Design


MS SQL Server




Visual Studio




Very impressive portfolio ... Much wow ...

Below you can find some of my current and past projects listed. If you want to know more details about these projects just let my know. We can get in contact so you can ask your questions.


Online Karriere Börse

Online Karrierebörse

My current work at my current job is to redesign/rebuild an existing tool career services at our university.

This is generally a complete rewrite of the existing code base. The database will be moved from mysql to postgres. The whole framework will move from google play to spring boot

 Spring Boot



My current work at my current job is to build a tool for generating invoices.

Furthermore the app has an interface to another app (via rest) from which it is possible to import invoice data via api.

 Spring Boot



A past piece of work at my current job was a tool for maintining contracts.

The app reminds the users automatically (via email) of details like cancellation periods of contracts or contracts soon to be ending.




A past piece of work at my current job was a tool for maintining contracts.

The app connects via rest api to a OTRS ticket system to get/create tickets.



Haarwerk 2018

This is a port to .NET Core of the version below.

The app lets you maintain customers and services. Furthermore you can print out a cashbook.

 Entity Framework Core



A past piece of work i did in my spare time for the business of my wife.

The app lets you maintain customers and services. Furthermore you can print out a cashbook.

 Entity Framework

gLOC Outlook Plugin


A past piece of work i did together with an old buddy of mine for the business of a former colleague gLOC.

This app connects via oauth2 to a api and fetches gLOCs. These gLOCs are maintained via outlook plugin. If you want to try this out - visit gLOC

 Outlook Plugin
 C# 4.5
 Microsoft Office


What can i do for your and how to reach me ...

forgoes mom´s turkey dinner to complete critical software upgrade

What can i do for you?
When it comes to software ...
  • software design
  • software architecture
  • software development
  • software maintenance
  • software extension
  • consulting
When it comes to it in general ...
  • Simple www pages like this one you´re watching
  • system administration (linux)
  • hardware issues (repair)
  • consulting
I´m very well interconnected ...
If you need advice or experts solving your problems, don´t hesitate to contact me. I know a lot of experts, which know a lot of experts themselves and so on ...



See source codes?
I run a private gitlab site. If you want to check out my code send me an inquiry and i may give you access to my site


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Thomas Lang
94161 Ruderting


Telefon: 01755935308


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